
Avro Phonetic Bangla typing for Linux

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Installing ibus-avro on Ubuntu 13.04

Open Terminal and enter the following commands one by one.

Step 1: Add ibus-avro repository

sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/sarimkhan/xUbuntu_13.04/ ./"

Step 2: Add key

wget -q http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/sarimkhan/xUbuntu_13.04/Release.key -O- | sudo apt-key add -

Step 3: Update package list

sudo apt-get update

Step 4: Install ibus-avro

sudo apt-get install ibus-avro-quantal

Using ibus-avro

  1. Run IBus (Applications -> System Tools -> IBus) from Dash
  2. Open IBus Preferences from the top panel icon
    IBus Preference
  3. Go to Input method, select Customize active input methods checkbox
    IBus Preference
  4. Select an input method -> Bengali -> Avro
  5. Now Click Add button to add Avro to the list
    IBus Preference
  6. Now restart IBus from the top panel icon (Right Click -> Restart)
    IBus Restart
  7. Open any text editing software (like, gedit). Now Press Ctrl+Space to toggle between English and Avro (Bengali)
  8. Enjoy Avro Phonetic!
    ibus-avro on Ubuntu

Setting IBus as default input method

You may want to set IBus as your default input method so that it starts automatically every time you log in.

  1. Run Input Method (im-config) from Dash
    Input Method Switcher
  2. Press OK, Then Press Yes.
  3. Select IBus and Press OK.
Input Method Switcher
  1. The following message will be shown, Press OK. Log out and log in again.
    Input Method Switcher

Uninstalling ibus-avro

Step 1: Open Terminal and enter the following command:

sudo apt-get remove ibus-avro-quantal

Step 2: Restart IBus.